Friday, 22 March 2013


Hi all,

two weeks have passed way too quickly and I just realized not once within that time frame have I blogged! Naughty Amy! So now I am sitting down to type and can hardly remember what we have even done. Sigh.

I did get my hair done last week! It has pretty much been a disaster since I box died over top of the professional colour I got done for the wedding back in August. As soon as I put on the poofed up into what is now referred to as 'the fuzz'. I have had it trimmed three times since, paid for two deep conditions and FINALLY last week, I was able to get a new colour. For the last six months no hairdresser has dared to touch it in fear of damaging it further. So it can't yet shed the name of 'the fuzz' but its getting better.

We also have seen a couple of movies. Oz in 3D was amazing!!! I felt so excited while watching it, a true adventure. That is one of the movies that I wont mind my future children playing over and over again. It's very enjoyable!

Well I have to go and do some very important tasks {shopping}, so I will blog more this weekend. Bye xxx

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Lucky seven

I just realized that today we have been married for seven months. SEVEN MONTHS already, where does the time go? It also just so happened that I found the pictures from when my sissy and I discovered my wedding dress. It was so exciting {partly because my time frame was a little slim....I happen to leave everything last minute} but I also really loved it. I just knew the second we spotted it that it really was the perfect dress for me.

I sometimes wish that it was acceptable to wear wedding dresses to the grocery store, movie theater and fast food restaurants. It seems a shame that such a lovely thing hangs in a bag in my closet. The dress did make an appearance the other day when I decided to have a quick peek at it. All too quickly, however, my cats descended upon it {leaving a couple claw marks i'm sure}. So back into the bag it went......maybe until I find a way to put it to better use :) xxx

This was the day we found this little beauty and below is six months later on the big day!

Babies and Chaos

I was strolling through my old laptop this afternoon looking for some documents. While doing so, I stumbled across this video of the dayhome in full swing with all five of my little monkeys. My dayhome is down to its last babe and will be closing March 28th. So I thought this video would be good to remind me of the chaos that once lived in my house. I sometimes wonder if I will miss actively running my dayhome but I think my nice clean and quiet house will come as some consolation. xxx