Wednesday, 25 September 2013

32 weeks and 4 days!!

Well we made it to the 32 week goal! I had a scan yesterday and the little monkey weighs 3.5 lbs {he is in the 20th percentile}!! He has done really well and the OB is perfectly happy if he comes between now and his actual due date {Nov 16th}. If we make it, they are scheduling the cerclage removal at the Rocky view in roughly three - four weeks. Since I am already dilated {and have been since 20 weeks}, they are suspecting I would just go into labour immediately. However, this little fellow continues to surprise everyone, so we'll see!

They did recheck the growth of his stomach and everything looked normal again. The doc did note some shortening in my cervix {I think they said I'm down to 8mm} and were slightly concerned with the sensations I have been feeling from the cerclage. So after my appt was done they sent me to the Rocky view hospital for a check to see if the cerclage needed to come out sooner then expected. I know it's better safe then sorry but it was a really long day {I hate hospitals}! Everything looked good enough to stick to my OBGYN's original plan, so I was discharged after a few hours.

On the selfish side of things, I am SO READY to not be pregnant. This pregnancy has been so week to week that it has dragged like crazy. Add on the fact that I only had two months between my last pregnancy with Ada which was around 18 weeks long. So I honestly feel as if I have been pregnant for AGES!!

Anyways, we'll see what happens. Here is a picture of me today with my 32W 4D belly {dont mind the pyjama pants and messy hair}. :) Carly came to my scan yesterday but I didn't realize how little she would see now he is getting bigger. He was all squished and so the typical side shots with feet and arms just wasn't in the cards. Oh well! I suppose she will meet him soon anyways! xxx

How far along? 32 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? No new ones, just lots of tank tops and stealing Ryan's t shirts to wear around the house.
Stretch marks?  None yet...fingers crossed! I have developed a rash on my tummy though but I think it's from all the oil I lather onto it every morning and night. 
    Sleep: Still fine :)
Best moment this week: Getting to 32 weeks....that seemed impossible at 20 weeks when they were just willing me to get past 24! PLUS I must note that we hired a cleaner last week and it makes me so happy to have a clean house courtesy of someone else :)
Miss anything? Feeling balanced...I feel a little top/front heavy lately haha.
Food cravings: Anything sweet is usually what prevails in my food choices
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still onions and garlic...gross!
Gender: Little boy :)
Labour signs: Lots of pressure and cramping. 
Belly button in or out?  In!  
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Ryan was asked the other day by a recently new daddy if he was sick of the pregnancy up and downs. He was honest and said it really hasn't been one of "those" pregnancy's. I haven't had the typical hormonal melt downs {with the exception of a fight last week over tiles in the new house but I will attribute that to new house stress haha}. So here's hoping the last few weeks are happy! 
Looking forward to: FINALLY meeting this little thing and planning for his first Christmas!!

After my scan I went to Winners and picked him up a little snow suit for car travel this winter. How sweet is this?! It's so soft that when I showed Ryan after he got home from work, he asked why they can't make these for adults haha. 

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