Friday, 28 June 2013

20 Weeks!

Well hello peeps,

20 Weeks today! How exciting we are already half way through!

Everything is still going well and I am happy to report this little monkey is a BABY BOY!!! I don't know why I wanted a little boy so bad this time but was obviously so SO happy that he was!

He is getting bigger every day and his kicking is pretty strong and frequent. He tends to be more still when I am active but the minute I sit down or go to bed he makes sure I know he is awake. I can't even begin to describe how exciting it was to feel him from the "outside" last week. I know that sounds super weird but I have been feeling him swishing around since around 15 weeks. As he has gotten bigger it has progressively gotten to "kicking" but I can never catch it with my hand. The other day I was driving and stopped at a red light. He started moving around so I instinctively put my hand on my belly. He then did a big kick right onto my hand!! It was so weird but so exciting at the same time. I am catching it all the time now but still trying to successfully predict when he will kick for when Ryan is waiting to feel it. Still nothing!

Otherwise things have been pretty quiet. Knowing its a baby boy has been exciting because now I can start shopping a little more. Today I purchased this AMAZING diaper bag from England {or nappy bag as they would call it!}. It seemed a little on the expensive side but I loved how it says "Mummy" instead of "Mommy". Plus I justified it by knowing it will also suffice as a purse for really its 2 for 1!!! If Ryan ever asks how much it was I will just tell him what the total came to in Pounds Sterling ;)

Isn't it LOVELY?! I am so excited for it to arrive {even though I can't really start using it yet}. It has everything you need inside for travelling with your baby. Insulated bottle holders, a changing pad, a spot for the "nappys" and also a convenient retractable key fob holder so you don't lose your keys. A way to keep track of your keys?!?!? It was MEANT for me :) I also liked how it could work either for a boy baby or a girl in the future and was still cute for the Mummy.

Well anyways, I have to go think about dinner {which basically means I have to go order dinner} but I will report on my other baby purchases in another post this weekend. It's a three day here and looking like its going to be a hot one!  Amy xxx

Monday, 17 June 2013

18.5 Weeks Along!

Hi all,

I am now 18.5 weeks along and we will be finding out what the baby is next TUESDAY!! How exciting!

I am leaning towards a boy but I guess I can't be 100% sure. I have had dreams where we are with a little baby girl and then dreams where we are with a little baby boy. So they are absolutely no help! The main reason I think it might be a boy is how much better I am feeling this pregnancy then last. I am thinking that is because of the gender difference...maybe?

Anyways, I will be happy with either!! I have been calling it a him for about the last 5 weeks, so I will feel less bad if it is a "him". Ryan thinks it's a boy too this time and so does my Mama. So we'll see if we are right :)

In the case it is a boy, I am hoping he has the dark features like Ryan but I am planning to dress him up like a little English boy! English boy attire being cardigans, sweet jumpers {sweaters}, cute man shoes, lots of knits and trousers. He will be the sweetest boy around!

Also I finally gave in and purchased some real maternity pants. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!!! I love how they don't cut into my baby belly and make me feel so much pressure. They are so comfy! I also purchased three long summer dresses which I have been living in.

I have quite the "bump" now and have been meaning to get Ryan to take a picture. The baby kicks alot and they are getting stronger. I have actually been feeling movement from about week 15 but now its proper kicks, before it was just sensation when it moved. We have been trying to catch a kick so Ryan can feel it but the baby likes to kick only when I am anticipating it. The baby will move, I get him to put his hand on my tummy. We wait for what seems like ages....nothing...and then as soon as he gives up, it kicks again. Cheeky little monkey!

I have been booked in for scans every two weeks for the foreseeable future to make sure early labour is not happening. So far though, the doc said it's an "above average" pregnancy. So I am happy about that! There was a false alarm a couple of weeks ago where they thought I might be showing signs of early labour. So they had me on strict bed rest for a week. It was really boring and made me so lethargic! I was so pleased when it turned out everything was fine and I could come off bed rest.

Anyways, I will write next Tuesday when we find out what this little one is. Then its time to shop!!!!!

Amy xxx