Saturday, 27 July 2013

Face time

I have a confession....we bought an ipad mini just so I could facetime with ma peeps in England {peeps is the cool way of saying Mum, Dad and little sissys Holly and Hannah}. We just had our first facetime this afternoon and it was so much fun!! I seriously LOVE facetime!! I'm pretty sure we're about five years late with this awesomeness but better later then never!!! I am looking so forward to facetiming with baby bump in the future so my fam can see him a few times a week. Eventually he will be able to do it by himself, which will be adorable!! Plus my phonebill will be significantly less {which will please Ryan lol}.

In other news I am 24 weeks today! Goal #1 complete! Now to get this little bump atleast another 4 weeks to the 28 week mark. We went for brunch at my favourite French bakery called La Boulangerie {spelling??} this morning and then afterwards found this adorable children's clothing shop called Coco and Charlie. They had 40% off this years clothes line which was too good to resist! Ryan chose the baby two race shirts {the cool purchase} while I chose him an ADORABLE cardigan which Ryan said is the nerdy purchase. I am of the firm belief though that you can wear cardigans and still look cool. I wear one almost every day and look at me!! ;-) lol.

Isn't this place just lovely?!?!

His new little one month cardigan!

His cool racing shirts that his daddy chose him.

This week is busy! I have a scan at the foothills on Monday, a doctors appt on Tuesday and then family from Italy arrive to stay with us on Thursday. I know you probably assume my side {you know....with my lovely tanned skin tone} but she's actually from Ryans side! Last but not least is our one year anniversary on Friday!! We had planned a little BC trip to coinside with a wedding we were supposed to be attending. That had to be cancelled as I am no longer able to travel outside of Calgary. So a nice dinner may be what we end up doing. Either way, I will try to add some pictures from the week. have a good one!! :-) xxx

Monday, 22 July 2013

The Royal Baby!

It's no secret that I love the Royals. There is something so fairy tale about it all. So needless to say, today was an exciting day with the announcement that Kate gave birth to a baby BOY!! I really did think it was a girl but am super excited for them that they get to enjoy a sweet baby boy. Of course, the idea has run through my head that my baby boy may be friends with the royal baby {stranger things have happened people!}. Who knows...maybe I will bump into her when I am next in England. It will probably be in Mother Care when we are looking at the exact outfit for our little baby boys ;) Hahaha well I am just kidding but you never know! Now onto the task of finding some "Royal Baby" swag for our little baby. Anything along this line will do...... 

I also hope that my secretary of press {Carly.....that will be you} will post a notice outside the hospital when Baby Mele is born. xxx

Sunday, 21 July 2013

23 Weeks

In the nature of blogging, I will share this weeks baby news {I can't just share the good stuff!}. Before I begin though, I knew this pregnancy wasn't going to be easy. So the news I received this week is not shocking, just slightly worrying.

I had a cerclage put in at 13 weeks pregnant, which I am so happy that I did! This week my cervix dilated but luckily stopped at the cerclage {I am SO GLAD I decided to do it as the doctor made me make the choice}. If it had not been in, I would have gone into early labour just like last time with baby Ada. I went to go see my OBGYN on Tuesday and she is concerned the cerclage wont hold up for much longer as it is now fully supporting the baby. She thinks I will be delivering this baby early but the goal is to get him to 28 weeks. When she said that, I was thinking 28 weeks?!? That is so early! Apparently though, that is when he has 100% chance of survival. He will just be very small :) I hate the idea of him having to spend weeks upon weeks in the hospital but as long as he is safe and in able to get strong.

So I am now 23 weeks 2 days and the first goal she set for me is 24 weeks. 24 weeks is the first chance that a baby has of surviving outside of the womb but its only 50%. At least if I go into labour at 24 weeks, they will do everything they can to deliver him and make him strong.  Second goal is 28 weeks, which as I said before gives him a 100% chance of survival. MY GOAL, however, is to defy what the doc expects and get him to past 30 weeks :) I am already taking is SUPER easy as per her instructions....I'm not even allowed to pick up my cats. It's unnatural!!! If you know know i'm usually toting around one cat or another ;) The other advice I have received is to remain positive and be proud of how far this little baby and I have gotten. Almost 6 months pregnant so far!

So 24 weeks is good, 28 weeks is better and 30+ weeks is great!

The other annoying thing that happened this week was regarding the tummy cream I ordered. I researched and found a very well reviewed cream/oil combo that helps prevents stretch marks. It is English but since I am a PRO online shopper now, I found a Canadian website that sell it. I got the notice it was in after two weeks of waiting, went to the post office to pick it up and the parcel was SOAKED in oil. They didn't pack it properly and the oil bottle broke during shipping :( Anyways, I have taken pictures and will be calling them tomorrow. Hopefully they can get me another bottle sooner then two weeks!

Wah :(

Excited to start using this though! 

On the other hand, I did receive some custom made Peter Rabbit pillows for baby bumps nursery that I ordered off Etsy. I ordered them Saturday and they were here by Tuesday! They are absolutely ADORABLE and some of the proceeds from the sellers shop goes to stray cats! How perfect :)

So that sums up my pregnancy tales this week. Now is just keeping it easy and waiting to my next appointment. They are scanning me next Monday and then I see my OBGYN on Tuesday to see what our best course of action is. She is planning to give my steroids a week before she predicts delivery to help with the baby's lung development {which at this point is planned for 27 weeks}. Will keep you all updated though! xxx

Sunday, 14 July 2013

22 Weeks!

22 weeks is here and as I am writing this, the little bump is kicking away. We had another scan this week and saw that he is doing well. He is just over 1 lb! Seems so small but for us, 1 lb seems so big! For weeks now it's been ounces, so to finally get into the pounds is a milestone. He is also 11 inches long and the size of a spaghetti squash {whatever that is!}.

Today Ryan took some pictures of me at 22 weeks and we also spent the day at the lake with Jacob {Ryan's cousins son} for a birthday party. I will post some pictures below of the day. Also, as a side note my Yummy Mummy bag also arrived in the post this week. It's officially ADORABLE!!!!! I can't wait until I actually get to use it! xxx

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Flowers :-)

Ryan got me these flowers the other night! I know, I're probably wondering why I am so excited. Well, first of all, I think I have received flowers from him only two times in the nine years we have been together. Secondly, I told him the other day how I want to start keeping fresh flowers in the house all the time. Then he bought me other words.....he was listening to me!!!! Now to start hinting that I want to keep more diamonds in the house ;-) xxx

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

20 week bump pictures :)

Well I thought it was time to post some pics of this not so little bumpy. I don't know how people do weekly bump's so hard to remember to do! is bump at 20 weeks. Don't mind my facial expressions.....I did them myself and had the timer on the camera haha. xxx