I thought that it was about time I did a bump update. I am 28 Weeks! We made it to the first big goal!!! Good job little bump for hanging in there ;) I have had alot of appointments these last few weeks. Plus my doctor had me in hospital for steroid shots to further the little bumps lung development {in case he does come a little earlier than expected}. I also had a scan last week and he is still really healthy and on track for his age {almost 2 lbs!}. So below are some pictures of how the bump is looking and a little summary which I thought I would start doing to track the differences every few weeks :)
Last scan on August 12 {when bump was 26 weeks} |
27 weeks and 5 days |
How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: 7lbs...ish
Maternity clothes? YES, they are amazing. I have two pairs of capri pants with the belly band. I don't know how I will give them up when I am not pregnant anymore...they are so comfortable!
Stretch marks? None yet. I finished my Mama Mio tummy cream really quickly {$45 a bottle!} so have switched over to the more cost effective Bio Oil. I grease up every night before bed and it seems to making my skin alot more smooth in general. You can even use it on your face for moisture!
Sleep: I am obviously not working very much and what I do try to do is from home {thanks husbie!}. So that being said, I manage to get alot of sleep! I like to sleep a little longer in the morning {8:30-9:00 AM} and prevent getting tired in the afternoon. I have also gotten over the guilt of Ryan's alarm ringing at 6:45 am every morning. I used to get up with him and see him off but now I barely utter goodbye haha.
Best moment this week: His movement! He is moving SO MUCH now and I love being reminded of him throughout the day. Ryan was playing the bag pipes the other night and he was literally doing flip flops in my belly. It's really cool.
Miss anything? Not really, maybe just a more strict schedule and the ability to move around more!
Food cravings: None that are strong enough to think about.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Yes! Onions and garlic are HORRIBLE when pregnant. Ryan can't even have them as I can smell them for hours afterwards...even if he uses mouthwash. He know's by now it's not even worth the headache of eating them :)
Gender: Boy!
Labour signs: During my last ultrasound there was a small contraction noted while measuring my cervix. They didn't seem that concerned though.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off: On {when I remember to put them on}.
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm happy to be pregnant and pretty lucky to be at home. So I would say happy :)
Looking forward to: The next goal of 32 weeks!