Wednesday, 25 September 2013

32 weeks and 4 days!!

Well we made it to the 32 week goal! I had a scan yesterday and the little monkey weighs 3.5 lbs {he is in the 20th percentile}!! He has done really well and the OB is perfectly happy if he comes between now and his actual due date {Nov 16th}. If we make it, they are scheduling the cerclage removal at the Rocky view in roughly three - four weeks. Since I am already dilated {and have been since 20 weeks}, they are suspecting I would just go into labour immediately. However, this little fellow continues to surprise everyone, so we'll see!

They did recheck the growth of his stomach and everything looked normal again. The doc did note some shortening in my cervix {I think they said I'm down to 8mm} and were slightly concerned with the sensations I have been feeling from the cerclage. So after my appt was done they sent me to the Rocky view hospital for a check to see if the cerclage needed to come out sooner then expected. I know it's better safe then sorry but it was a really long day {I hate hospitals}! Everything looked good enough to stick to my OBGYN's original plan, so I was discharged after a few hours.

On the selfish side of things, I am SO READY to not be pregnant. This pregnancy has been so week to week that it has dragged like crazy. Add on the fact that I only had two months between my last pregnancy with Ada which was around 18 weeks long. So I honestly feel as if I have been pregnant for AGES!!

Anyways, we'll see what happens. Here is a picture of me today with my 32W 4D belly {dont mind the pyjama pants and messy hair}. :) Carly came to my scan yesterday but I didn't realize how little she would see now he is getting bigger. He was all squished and so the typical side shots with feet and arms just wasn't in the cards. Oh well! I suppose she will meet him soon anyways! xxx

How far along? 32 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: 12 lbs
Maternity clothes? No new ones, just lots of tank tops and stealing Ryan's t shirts to wear around the house.
Stretch marks?  None yet...fingers crossed! I have developed a rash on my tummy though but I think it's from all the oil I lather onto it every morning and night. 
    Sleep: Still fine :)
Best moment this week: Getting to 32 weeks....that seemed impossible at 20 weeks when they were just willing me to get past 24! PLUS I must note that we hired a cleaner last week and it makes me so happy to have a clean house courtesy of someone else :)
Miss anything? Feeling balanced...I feel a little top/front heavy lately haha.
Food cravings: Anything sweet is usually what prevails in my food choices
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still onions and garlic...gross!
Gender: Little boy :)
Labour signs: Lots of pressure and cramping. 
Belly button in or out?  In!  
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Ryan was asked the other day by a recently new daddy if he was sick of the pregnancy up and downs. He was honest and said it really hasn't been one of "those" pregnancy's. I haven't had the typical hormonal melt downs {with the exception of a fight last week over tiles in the new house but I will attribute that to new house stress haha}. So here's hoping the last few weeks are happy! 
Looking forward to: FINALLY meeting this little thing and planning for his first Christmas!!

After my scan I went to Winners and picked him up a little snow suit for car travel this winter. How sweet is this?! It's so soft that when I showed Ryan after he got home from work, he asked why they can't make these for adults haha. 

Monday, 23 September 2013

Beatrix Potter Nursery

Although a kitten theme was obviously my first choice {as I know my little babe will TOTALLY be a cat lover like his Mum}, I decided to go with a classic Beatrix Potter theme for the baby's nursery. I started purchasing things around week 18 and it has become an addiction! I have even ordered the baby a Peter Rabbit teddy and mobile for his Christmas present this year {as you may be able to tell...I am just a little excited about it} :)

Here are a few finds/pressies that I have bought/received lately....

Left: Handmade nightlight off Etsy. Top Right: A little piggy bank from Aunty Carly. Bottom Right: Peter Rabbit and Tom Kitten nursery pillows off Etsy.

Top Left: Peter Rabbit print. Middle Left: Toile Beatix Potter fabric for curtain panels. Bottom Left: A book my Mum bought the baby. Right: Pottery Barn crib bumper which will go well with his classic white crib :)

Monday, 16 September 2013


A sweet picture of Ryan trying to convince this little hedgehog to come out of hiding xxx

Thursday, 12 September 2013

A little update :)

Hi all,

well as you can see from my tracker, I am 30 weeks and 5 days pregnant! I am started to get quite excited about this little squish face and how well everything seems to be going.

I had another scan this week and he is doing well. His tummy fell off the growth chart this week so they are bringing me back in for another scan in two weeks to see if it has picked up again. They told me not to be concerned yet but to wait and see what the results come back as. Worst case scenario is that the placenta isn't doing it's job properly in feeding him but they don't think that's the case as he has been on track up until this point. Otherwise he is healthy and active. Me and Ryan {I know...not proper English but I hate typing "Ryan and I" seems too proper} like to poke him at night when he is most active. He always kicks back in the exact spot you poke. Ryan thinks that the baby doesn't like it but I said it's probably good for his motor skills ;) I am still dilated but my stitches are really holding up! The specialists didn't think that they would for this long. They are happy if he is born any time between now and when they originally planned to take out the stitches {36-37 weeks}. What's so cool though is that the end goal is so close now.....they thought 28 weeks would be a push. I will be so happy if I make it to when they have to take out the stitches and get to take home my baby just like any normal pregnancy. We'll see though, even if he was born now, he is already facing a much shorter hospital stay then when they thought he was coming at 26 weeks.

So here is his scan pic from this week and the previous one from two weeks before that. I have so many side profile ones I asked for one of his face this time. Not many people are able to make it out. He is sideways {on the right} and other then his can really just see his skeleton.

Scan on August 26th, 2013

Scan on September 9, 2013. Can you make out his little face?!

Otherwise we are keeping busy. Our rental house is now up for sale, which actually is a pain in that we have to clean and vacate for all the showings. It was SO EMBARRASSING when the realtor was around taking pictures of the house. She had already noted her dislike for cats and then out of nowhere, Smithy arrives at the door with the biggest rodent in his mouth he has ever caught. Not only that...the rodents eyes were gouged out. Lovely. So before she saw, I tried to get outside to get if off him {yes imagine a pregnant girl chasing a naughty orange cat around the garden}. I managed to get him to drop it and quickly threw a flower pot over it. Of course my heart DROPPED when she asked to go outside to take pictures of the back garden. I ran out with her and stood by the pot so she wouldn't move it herself and get a fright. Luckily she didn't seem to notice me standing by the pot while kicking Smithy away from it {as of course he was still trying to get it}. Anyways, I am hoping this house won't have alot of showings and won't sell before our new house is finished! Otherwise, two adults, one baby and four cats will be looking for a place to stay. Any takers? ;) xxx

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Great Gastby

We were shopping this weekend and I picked up the soundtrack for the new Great Gatsby film. I am IN LOVE with the song Lana del Ray contributed. She is AMAZING and was a perfect match for Leo DiCaprio's acting skills in the movie. Every time I listen to this song I see Leo's anguished face. As you can tell, I am quite a fan :) Baz Lutherman produced it {Moulin Rouge} and you can see his trademark work so evidently throughout the film. It's fantastic and worth a watch just for the theatrical value.

Anyways, take a listen to this little gem and go watch Leo's amazing acting skills!

P.S. Just on a side note....we went crib shopping this weekend! It was weird to actually be purchasing
furniture for this little bump but it was so fun. My Mother in law wanted to purchase the crib for baby, so transferred us some money for it. Thanks again Lynn! We went with a pretty classic looking white crib to match his nursery. It wont be here for 12 weeks but I will take a picture of it in his bedroom when we get into the new house. xxx

Sunday, 1 September 2013

It's time to clean the oven

Almost every night this week has resulted in a mini oven fire. Nothing unmanageable....just a big enough fire to pose a risk to dinner. Confession: I am a terrible one for cleaning ovens {I know that surprises you...especially considering the ever rotating dish pile in my sink}. I'm pretty sure in the almost three years we have lived here, I have averaged one clean a year. Even MORE's a self clean oven. Shame.

So after Friday nights fire, I have decided it is time to do a proper oven clean. I am even doing it the old fashioned way and NOT using the self clean! This is not because I am trying to attempt any type of extraordinary domestic's because my current body temperature is waaaay to high to be turning on ovens for four hours. Thank you bump.

My Mum had told me about these handy bags they sell in England that you put the racks inside of overnight. When you wake up, all you have to do is rinse them and they are brought back to their previous glory. I looked everywhere but they don't sell them here yet. You can order them online but I think Ryan's heart will give out if I yell "Oh my God, it's on fire" one more time while melting plastic cook wear trying to smother it {smart I know...I am really bad at panicking}. So I have doused the entire thing in Easy Off Oven Cleaner and am currently waiting the two hours for it to magically clean my horrible oven.

To be honest, during the wait time, I have lost all interest in actually completing the am hoping I can appeal to Ryan's better nature to finish it. Not that he doesn't work enough during the week ;)

Anyways, enough about my boring oven. I must quickly tell you about the new addiction I have developed to tarts {the kind you eat of course}. They are sold at the French bakery we go to every weekend for breakfast. A few weeks ago, they were seriously calling my name. I have never been a big pastry lover but I honestly couldn't stop looking at them while eating my breakfast. Anyways, I ordered the blueberry one and haven't looked back since. I am now on week four of pastry consumption. Every week I have ordered a different one to see what they all taste like. So far I have had blueberry, strawberry mango, blackberry and today I had plum. By the time I have finished my tart, I am ALREADY looking forward to the one I will try the following weekend. Don't worry though, my Mum said all the fruit on the top of the tart MUST mean it's low in calories ;)

Well I have better go sort out this oven {by that I mean watch Ryan sort out this oven}. Wish me luck!! xxx