it's been a while! Well as you can see from the title....I had a baby!!
On October 26th at 5:18 AM we welcomed our sweet little 5 lb 7 oz Bennett into the world.

He is adorable {isn't he?!?!} and we love him to bits. I have been pretty lucky so far with him. He hardly ever cries and sleeps right through the night with the exception of feedings. So far he seems to be favouring Ryan in the looks department. His eyes look brown {most days} and he has black hair. I am told this can change but I am pretty convinced he will be a mini version of Ryan haha. Anyways, I promise there will be more frequent blog posts. We are just so busy at the moment! Everything we have been looking forward to is finally here! We are off to BC for a funeral today {which is sad but it will be nice to introduce Bennett to Ryan's family} and then on Friday we take possession of our new house! Four weeks after that my family are arriving from England then it's my sisters wedding and Christmas! xxx