Tuesday, 27 May 2014

My little seven month old :)

Bennett was seven months yesterday! I took a few pictures for his monthly photo tracker and they turned out so sweet! I also have jotted down his new stats, many of which are the same. I don't mind though, if it were my way....I would keep him my baby forever :)

Weight: 18 lbs

Routine: We now have him sleeping in his own crib most nights. Some nights we are completely selfish though and make him sleep in our bed so we can have extra cuddles :) This is usually only when Ryan works late and hasn't had much of an evening with him. 

Eating: Formula 5-6 times a day and solids three times a day. This child LOVES to eat so basically I can give him almost anything and it goes down well. 

Sizes: 9 month clothing! 

Milestones: He kind of rolls forward now {with alot of persuasion} and that's about it haha. Month 6 was not an month for excelling in the milestone department ;)

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

The bloopers

As many of you saw, this past week we found out we are having a baby girl in September! The news of course had to be shared by Bennett, so I ended up posting this picture to Facebook and Instagram....

I'm pretty sure it's as adorable as one can get BUT it took a few to get to this one....................



Monday, 12 May 2014

My first Mother's Day with Bennett :)

Sunday was my first Mother's Day. It's funny to think that last year I was pregnant with Bennett and this year he is here and I am pregnant with his bro or sis! Next year I will have two little blomps....except hopefully will not be pregnant. My body needs to rest for a while ;)

My day started with breakfast made by Ryan. Poor Bennett was so excited waiting for it {thinking he was going to get some}. I felt bad buuuut I ate it all anyways. This kid will eat anything I feed him, which is awesome but it also means he wants everything he sees haha.

So excited for the breakfast he didn't get to eat haha.
After breakfast we headed off to collect my pressie........our houses first tree! It's a Double Flowering Plum tree and it's lovely! It's currently covered in pink blooms and will be every year to mark the beginning of spring. Ryan was intending to get me a bird bath but apparently everyone in Calgary had the same idea as they were sold out! So the tree was a good second choice that I got to pick out.

Bennett's first "kiss".

As you can see from the last picture.....I am pretty sure Bennett gave me his first intentional "kiss". Well first grab my face on either side and pull it towards his drooly open mouth. I probably kiss him about 1000 times a day, so you think he would know how to kiss back by now! haha. Either way, it was sooo cute!! Luckily Ryan took a picture! 

I also got a cute card from the two of them and then finished my day with my sister at the play Mary Poppins downtown! It was such a cute day. I can't believe how much we love this little blob xxx