Wednesday, 23 July 2014

My new planner!

I am not the most organized person in the world, as most of you know. So with baby #2 quickly approaching and still trying to keep track of things for Ryan's company, I decided it was time to get a little bit more organized.

There are alot of electronic planners out there, even on my phone! I just have trouble actually using them properly. Most the time my phone's battery is flat or close to 0% life, so a nice paper agenda was what I needed.

Cue Erin Condren's life planner :)

Awesome isn't it?! I love it because it's personalized {there is something so cool about having your name on things} and really durable! It helps me keep on track for company things but also for life in general including meals, doc's appts, get together's etc.

The week is split by days but also by morning, afternoon and evening. At the beginning of each month there is also a full calendar to view and little stickers to remind you of big things happening that specific day like birthdays.


At the back of the planner there is also a pocket for receipts {which I am THE WORST for keeping track of}. There is also a perpetual calendar for birthdays but I think this is slightly redundant.

The cool personalized cover {which I got in pink} is also able to be taken off. They have a selection of covers for you to order and switch around if you get bored within the year.

The only drawback I would say is the price. This specific agenda was $70, which is pricey to begin with but the shipping is what kills you. $40 from the US to Canada!!! I decided to take the plunge and see how well I utilize this planner. It will be worth it if I can actually keep myself on track. A little treat once a year isn't horrible if I can make it worth the money. Either way, I will update you further along in the year to let you know how it's going:)

In unrelated news, my sister is heading to England today {SO JEALOUS}. She may just find a preggo lady and a 9 mth old baby in her suitcase when she opens it on the other side. All joking aside though, it will be really nice for her to see our family, plus they are going to Wales for a week! I can't wait to see all the pictures, I may steal a few to post on here and pretend I was there too :)

Ryan has also booked a week off work starting this Saturday {which is very rare for him} and he is using it to work on things around the house. He already finished the new hardwood and mouldings, so I will post a before/after pic soon. It looks fab!

Anyways, Bennett is starting to wake up so I have to quickly go get dressed before I no longer have that option. Have a good one! xxx

Monday, 7 July 2014

8 months!

The little blob is officially 8 months old! Well he was on June 26th to be exact. So although this update comes a tiny bit late, all of the pictures and stats are from June 26th.

As many of you know, my sister lost her twins 12 days ago {which I blogged about a couple of posts ago} so it has all been a little hectic. She also keeps her own blog {} so may update about things on there. She and her husband are still both very sad about everything but have appreciated everyone's kind words. My Mum also helped bring up the spirit of things by surprising them with a trip here from England! We had the best week with her and when she left yesterday, everyone was sad to see her go. This mornings coffee was so quiet without her! Even Bennett was looking around wondering where she had gone :)

He basically spent most of my Mum's trip like this....cozy on her lap :)

So anyways, I didn't think it was fair to let 8 months pass without a blog post. Not much has changed since 7 months but luckily this child is super he can get away with it ;)

Weight: 19.9 lbs

Routine: There is absolutely no routine, sometimes he sleeps in his crib but most nights he ends up in our bed. I have set a goal for July to have him sleeping in his own bedroom every night. This new baby girl is fast approaching, so we can't have two little babes sleeping in our bedroom. On the other hand, he does nap quite well {twice a day still} and sleeps through a full night.  

Eating: Formula 5 times a day and solids 2-3 times a day. Bennett still has NO teeth so its very nerve racking feeding him anything other then puree but his doc said I have to focus on more regular food this month. He also is not a fan of meat {in the puree form} and sticks mainly to fruit and veggie mixes. So we are hoping to introduce more meat into his diet for month 8.

Sizes: 9-12 month clothing! 

Milestones: Ummmm maybe I should leave this one blank ;) Let's just say this child is in no hurry to grow up. He still sits by himself but no crawling or signs of mobility and no teeth. Hopefully I will have more to update on his 9 month update! haha. Oh wait!! He has started to do what we call his "special face". Basically he pulls out this gem whenever we ask him to do say Mama or Dada. I think its a distraction method......and it works! What a little weirdo :)

and now for the more normal faces of an eight month old....


Ryan's first Fathers Day!

Although it was almost a month ago now, I thought I should record the occasion of the first time Ryan got to celebrate Fathers Day! He had a lovely day with the little blob which even included them both having a long afternoon nap together {both one of their favourite things in the world}. Here is a picture of him with his little twin. What cuties!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

My sisters little twins

Hi all,

sorry about the extended absence...I have so much to blog about but so little time to do it in! I start tonight's blog with the sad news of my sister losing her twins. She was almost 24 weeks pregnant but went into early labor. Unfortunately the labor could not be stopped and she gave birth to Clara and Eliza Linn on June 24, 2014. They were small but alive and immediately moved to the NICU to be taken care of. Although everything looked good the first night {and they were very responsive to touch and sound}, it was discovered the next day that they both had suffered stage four brain bleed. Carly and her husband had to make the heart breaking decision to take the girls off their support as it meant they would never lead a normal life again {if any at all}. Luckily my sister asked the team to hold off until I had a chance to meet the girls. They were wonderful! It was hard to believe that there was anything wrong with them at all but we were assured by the medical team that what was happening with them was impossible to see with the naked eye.

I am so glad I got to meet them both and feel their little hands holding tightly onto the tip of my finger. They were such little sweethearts!

It's hard to understand why things happen the way they do. It seemed meant to be, my twin having identical twins! Due just weeks after our new baby girl. Things have a way of revealing themselves over time though. I still wonder how life would have been if we had not lost our first baby, Ada. I wouldn't have my sweet little blob Bennett as his pregnancy overlapped when I should have been pregnant with Ada. Bennett brings so much happiness into everyone's life's and to think that we could have never even known him is mind baffling! I just hope time heals their broken hearts and things start to become more clear.

In the meantime, my Mum decided to surprise Carly and come from England for a week. We thought this was the perfect medicine and it just so happened Carly and her husband were off for the week anyways! My Mum's surprise was a complete success and Carly was SHOCKED to say the least when she came to her front door and discovered Mum there!!!!!!! I LOVE surprises of that magnitude. Since she has arrived, we have had a lovely and fun week. Exactly what the doctor ordered :)

I hope to update you about my Mum's visit next week and I still have a few pictures from Bennett's 8 mth milestone and Ryan's first Fathers day. So speak to you soon! xxx