Saturday, 31 January 2015

A little bit of Bennett

I feel like Bennett needs to make a small appearance on this blog. I miss doing his monthly updates so thought I would jot down some things about his life lately.

He has a MOP of curly hair. Like seriously, its an afro every morning and a tight head of ringlets after bath every night. It seemed to grow furiously after his first birthday only three months ago. I love it dearly and was hoping not to have to cut it but I think this weekend may be the weekend to book him in. It's at that unruly stage.

This child is accident prone. Being a boy, he seems to get into everything. I turn my back for one second and he is standing on the coffee table or sitting in a cupboard. I swear he gives me a heart attack on the daily. Just last night, he was playing a game of giving me this toy cat and then taking it away {which he found ridiculously funny}. During the "take away" part, he got abit wobbly walking away and literally fell flat on his face, making his nose bleed. Even though Brooke is alot younger, I can already see how much more delicate she is in general. I suppose its just another thing to love about baby boys.

He is a really good independent play time. This may of been a little forced by getting a sister at only 10.5 months but he is content to sit quietly in his toy corner and play by himself. It works wonders when I am occupied with Brooke and it's nice to see him enjoy his toys so much. He also loves books. He will bring them up to me all the time so I can read to him. I sometimes even put him to bed with a book which he will lay with and look at until he falls asleep. It's adorable!

Peppa pig is still on in our house daily. The child just LOVES this show. He also is good at watching a movie or other shows but NOTHING captures his attention like Peppa. I hope it lasts as long as possible because it is a great thing for me when I have to do something pressing. I honestly know that if its on, he will not move from the spot he is sitting.

His words are currently limited to "Da-da" and "Na-na". I feel like he can say other words but chooses not to. I constantly get other parents telling me how many things their baby can say and asking me how many mine can. I am like "two and one I don't even think is a word". Then they awkwardly but politely tell me how boys are slower to talk anyways HAHA. We joke that he is actually unlearning how to talk because I swear he said more words on cue before he was 1 then after.

Bennett is still a sleeper! This kid is so good at napping when I put him down. It makes it easier knowing that I have a few free hours in the day if I can simultaneously get these blobs to nap {which is happening right now! Hence the blog post}.

In my eyes, this child is perfect. I am still obsessed with my beautiful, bright eyed, round faced, gap tooth, smiley little boy. How could I not be?! xxx

Yes that is food on his mouth, you win some you lose some ;)

Tuesday, 27 January 2015


One of my new years resolutions was to lose weight, surprising right? haha. I seriously put that every year and the only year I actually did it was my wedding. You know how I did it? I bought a dress that was two sizes too small! Big risk and it ended up being SUPER stressful {Carly was on the receiving end of most of my worried talks} but it worked!!! I JJJJUUUUSSSSTTT managed to get into that dress about a week before the wedding.

...and it you're wondering....NO I cannot get into this dress anymore. I have tried
I wish I could have another wedding to inspire me {to the same person just to clear that up haha} but that probably isn't in the cards right now. So instead I have decided the only way is to buy clothes too small for me.

First purchase, this SUPER COOL Superdry jacket. I actually totally copied my trendy Mum because she already owns this jacket in black. I don't care though, I LOVE IT! As soon as I saw her in it, I hoped to get one for myself. Then this week, they went on sale for half price! I immediately went to order one but of course my size was all sold out. Wah. So I decided this will be my first investment into something that is smaller then I am. It will arrive today, so hopefully it wont turn out to be unachievably {is that a word?} smaller.

I will keep you posted, the hope is that I can wear it for our holiday to England at Easter. My Mum and me will be able to walk around in matching jackets. Ummmm how cool will that be?! I mean, how cool will WE be? hahaha xxx


Poor little Brooke had a bad weekend. I am not sure but I believe it might be teething. I didn't expect her to teeth until later like Bennett {who I thought would forever just have a huge gummy smile haha} but I know this is usually the time they can start.

On Friday she got the big D along with the sorest bum I have ever experienced. I don't think Bennett has ever had a diaper rash this bad. Needless to say, I have had the LONGEST and HARDEST four days of Motherhood. She is so uncomfortable and is easy to upset. Even little Bennett has been trying to calm her down haha. We have been giving her baking soda baths, changing her diaper as soon as anything makes it presence day and night and also applying extra strength zinc cream. Nothing seems to be working :(

Even though I am truly exhausted and in need of a week of sleep, I just look at that sweet face and can't not want to help her! Motherly instinct is honestly the craziest thing. I hope that it starts to show signs of healing otherwise I may have to take her to the docs {which is always fun with two babies haha}.

Anyways, Carly has agreed to start taking them Tuesdays and Thursdays every week now to help me get some work done. So I thought I would quickly jot down our current dilemma before I get stuck into my work. Anyone that has suggestions {maybe some old tricks}, please let me know! In the meantime I will look at this sweet face and hope she feels better soon! xxx

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Brooke is 4 months old!

My little baby girl is four months old as of Tuesday! I think I say this every time but I just can't get over my sweet little ball of chubby baby! She is perfect to me!

Her personality has really started to shine through now and it's darling. This month Bennett began to interact with her more too. She gets the hugest smile on her face whenever he even looks her way, it's pretty much the cutest thing ever!

Now Brooke is more aware, I have started to read to her. No surprise that she loves Peppa Pig books as it is ALWAYS present in our house hold. Whether Bennett is watching the show, playing with the toys or reading the books/ tends to be Peppa. My parents got Bennett a George pig backpack from England, so I got Brooke the matching pink Peppa pig one while I was last there {just in case she turned into a Peppa pig fan like her brother}. I can just imagine them packing up their backpacks for trips!! This is one of the nice things about having them only 10.5 mths apart...they will enjoy alot together :)

Anyways, here are Brooke's updated stats for 4 months!

Weight: 14.8lbs

Routine: Bennett has a bath every night so Brooke has started to join in every other night. Her skin is too sensitive to have one every night. I have started to begin the bedtime routine at 9:00 pm, we do baths first and then get them ready. Even if she doesn't have one, we all go upstairs to help Bennett and get them both changed. Ryan drys off Bennett and gets him ready for bed {which usually entails them playing around laughing their heads off} while I usually sort out Brooke. It's then a quick book for both and Bennett is put down in his crib. I will give Brooke one more bottle after Bennett is down and this sends her into dream world. She then is asleep until about 8:00-9:00 am the next day! Sometimes if she wakes during the night we will pull her into our bed and she drifts off again. Her naps are pretty consistent too, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Two sweet blobs sleeping in the bed :)

Eating: Brooke still is on her formula. Other than that, I occasionally put a little rice cereal on her soother while I am feeding Bennett.

Sizes:  3 month clothing is definitely snug on this one now. I have started to bring out the 3-6 month and even 6 month in some of the clothing! It's nice to give her chub rolls some breathing room haha.

Milestones: She is now into holding peoples hands. She always did this of course but now it seems that she actually wants to. When she is upset, having a finger to grip onto actually settles her down!. This month she also started to laugh! It's not a true laugh yet but she actually smiles and sort of laughs...especially when she is being tickled. Last thing, which is not really a milestone is that Brooke started to sit in the Bumbo!! I love how she is upright in it, even Bennett seems puzzled by the fact that she is able to sit in his toy area with him..

So there is all the updated info for our little baby girl! Below are a few four month pictures and one compared to Bennett at that same age. As you can probably tell, I love my sweet blobs! xxx    


and the comparison picture!......

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

New Years 2015

Ok last of the holiday catch up posts! Yay!

Lets talk about New Years! I am actually a huge HUGE fan of the New Years celebrations. I feel like it extends the holiday season and is festive/fun to partake it. I never miss a countdown.

No I did not take this. Actually I was no where near London this year on Dec 31 but it still is amazing to look at! 

What I also love about new years is the resolutions that come with it. Yes I am THAT person that relentlessly makes resolutions every year in order to become a better human being. It's like wiping the slate clean. I try and jot them down on this blog to hopefully have some responsibility of keeping them. I am fully aware it is actually Jan 13, so lets just consider that the start of the new year haha.

Last year I had some really ambitious resolutions which of course I didn't manage keep. So this year I decided to compliment my ambitious ones with some simpler ones. This means I can feel at least somewhat accomplished by the end of the year :) Anyways, here they are!

1. Learn a second language {Italian or French...maybe both if I am feeling up to it!}
2. Have a better routine {Getting up before the babes is primarily what I am hoping to do.
    Showering before lunch would feel like an achievement in itself}
3. Be more organized with paperwork
4. Lose weight {surprising I know}
5. Meditate {starting with an app called Headspace}
6. Log all my gazillion passwords into a log book
7. Save more money{We managed to enter 2015 without debt...minus our large mortgage that has barely been touched and our financed vehicle haha....but I would like to enter 2016 with some savings behind us. Basically so I can go out and spend it...what else is money for?! :) }
8. Travel to England {tentatively planned for Easter!}

So there you have it, 2015 lets see what you have in store! xxx

And since a post of mine always has pictures, here some phone pictures from New Years Eve!

Friday, 9 January 2015

Christmas tree pics

Yes people I am still trying to blog about our Christmas haha. Last post I swear!

For Christmas 2013 I had a little 8 week old baby boy. Although I really couldn't get him to smile, taking a picture in front of the tree was a breeze.

For some reason I could only find it off Instagram but oh it is!!!

Since I am the queen of comparison pictures {monthly, annually, every get the point}, I thought I would get a shot again of Bennett and now Brooke on for Christmas 2014.

Yeah ok, not so easy.....

As you can see, they just were not in the mood! Half my pics are blurry because I am single handedly trying to take the picture, get them to smile, not steal each others soothers {which Bennett did!} and stay on the chair hahaha. Anyways, I am still not happy without a good shot of them both in front of the tree so it has remained up in hopes that my little munchkins MIGHT be cooperative today? Wish me luck!!! xxx

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Christmas 2014

I am finally getting around to blogging about Christmas 2014! Bear with me as I catch up a little on the blog posts :)

Christmas this year was lovely. It was Brooke's first and my family decided to come from England again. It was a shorter holiday then last year but we managed to fit alot into our 11 days together!

We had Christmas Eve dinner at Ryan's parents, Christmas night dinner at Carly's house and Boxing day dinner at my Uncles house. And yes, we had turkey all three days haha. My Mum and me decided next year will be a vegetarian nut loaf {much to the men's dismay} as preparing the turkey was disgusting. It also didn't help that my Mum said "awwwww think of his sweet little face" as I was trying to dislodge the frozen neck from inside of the turkeys carcass LOL.

On Christmas eve Ryan's mum did lovely stuffed turkey breast with all the sides. You should have seen my brothers plate, it was piled HIGH with food! I swear it was restaurant quality! Afterwards we had some drinks and dessert and headed home. I was so mad at myself because I forgot my camera!!!! So no pictures of our lovely dinner :(

On Christmas day, we opened all the presents at my house and did brunch. Then packed up and went for a nice walk. Poor Bennett was feeling under the weather and this little walk seemed to tip him over the edge. Just after we got home he ran a temperature and started to be sick.  This carried on through boxing day but we took him out anyways. He was such a good sport and only sliiiiightly cranky ;)

Bennett still has a little cough/cold which was passed onto poor baby Brooke. We actually had to take her to the hospital the other day because her breathing was so laboured. They cleared her all out and gave her some concoction to help re-hydrate her. Now we are just keeping an eye on her and letting her rest. 

So here are some pictures from our Christmas holiday, the only thing that was missing was SNOW!!! We were seriously hoping we would get a nice white Christmas and it did start to fall lightly at around 10:00 pm on Christmas day but that was it. Of course the day my family left was when it dropped seriously in temp and snow started falling heavily. Oh well, such is life, I suppose i'm just happy we were all together :) xxx

Waiting at the airport, ready to show our family his new trick of walking!


Let's take a moment to appreciate that Brooke officially became part of the knithead family!!!!




With his track from Grandma and Grandpa! Unfortunately I forgot my camera on Christmas Eve so we have no pictures with them :(

That was Christmas night before dinner and before it snowed in Legacy. I love our little area! Isn't it just so sweet?! It will be a little more sweet when the shops are built {said by a true shopaholic}, I can already imagine walking to get coffee with Carly and the babes. That's a few years away so maybe a cousin or two by then as well ;)

Anyways, another great Christmas in the books :)