So, what's new?! We were supposed to go away this month but had to cancel our holiday due to Ryan's work. So we just stuck around the house and in turn have had some really nice weekends.
Here is what we have been up to lately :)
Professional pictures:
We did another session of pictures with Gingersnap photography for fall. It was around the same time last year that we had her come and do Brooke's newborns, so it's quite cute to see the changes. I hate pictures and didn't intend to be in them. I am glad I stepped in for a few though because there are some sweet ones with the babes. Take a peek! P.S. Those faces MELT my heart!
Halloween is always fun but this year it was extra special with Bennett and Brooke. They seemed to really enjoy themselves and even understood the concept of going to neighbors doors to get candy. My brother and sister came over to trick or treat with us, then we came home to eat a takeaway and watch a scary movie. It's becoming quite the tradition actually! We have done that every year so far since Bennett has been born.
My 29th birthday:
Actually I should say OUR birthday, as I share it with my twinster. Carly took the day off work {ummmm who actually works on their birthday?} and we went shopping of course!! The babies were both unwell so we didn't do too many shops but just enough to feel satisfied with our trip. Then we went our for dinner and home for dessert and presents. We were actually SPOILED ROTTEN this year {not that I am complaining}. Here is a picture of everything we that rude? I don't want to be braggy but it's just so nice to open presents that someone has bought specifically for you. I will never be that adult that says "dont worry about getting presents for me" because let's admit it peeps....who doesn't love a good gift once in a while?! :) I also got a bonus birthday dinner a few days later from my in-laws which involved pizza and a new coat. Like I said, I was spoiled :)
Both my babies have been a little under the weather lately. Brooke picked up MRSA and developed a very painful boil on her bottom {good thing it wasn't me as my bottom is not something that I wan't to have on show!!!}. It got so bad that she had to have a procedure to have it lanced. It was HORRIBLE to watch them put her "under". It's not the typical put you to sleep kind of thing anymore. Instead they feed a solution of some sort through an IV that essentially makes them unaware of what is happening. First of all the IV was torture to get in. They had to have me, a male nurse and a female nurse hold Brooke down because she was so upset. Her veins kept blowing so it took about 45 minutes to finally get one in. Then when they fed the solution through, it was so sad to see her float off to space. Her eyes went all weird {similar to Ryan's when he is drunk!! haha} and she just wasn't there any more. Either way we got through it and her boil healed ok. Bennett picked up MRSA off Brook but didn't have the procedure. He just had a course of antibiotics and it seems to be gone now. Phew, this parenting thing is stressful!
Dates and DIY:
We have managed to go on a few date nights to the movie theater thanks to my sissy and Ryan's parents! I just realized it was 11 years recently since our first date. Isn't that CRAZY?! We also have continued doing a few things to the house. The next project is our basement reno, so this weekend we organized and cleaned out alot of stuff down there {pure torture}.
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2004-2006 {The first couple years we spent together!} |
Lastly, I have started to get ready for the most wonderful time of the year! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas! My parent's also surprised us too and have managed to book tickets to spend yet another year with us! I cannot wait! This is what our street looked like on Saturday, every year the community puts up lights on the arches. It's starting to feel festive.
Also, Ryan's 30th birthday is on December 16th so I am working with a friend to do a joint surprise party. He has no idea....its adorable!
Anyways, this is getting a little longer than I originally intended and Brooke is pawing at my feet, so I had better go! Have a nice evening!! xxx