Hi all! I thought it was about time I shed some light onto the current day blobs. It's been a while since I stopped their monthly updates, so thought it would be interesting to show you how much they've grown!
Brooke is now 17 months and is a little ball of character. I often think how strange life would have been without this little thing. She brings so much fun to our family and makes us laugh daily. Her main loves are cat's {not influenced by me at all haha}, dolly's and dancing. She LOVES to dance {which is almost a type of interpretive dance at this point} and starts throwing her little body around when any sort of beat comes on. Even if she is sitting down in her high chair, she bobs her head from side to side without even thinking about it. In the future, we hope to get her into a dance class or playing an instrument because she has taken such an early interest to music.
Speaking is coming alot more naturally to Brooke than it is Bennett. She now can say a number of words {Mum, Daddy, hi, no, all done and who's/whats that} and babbles all the time. She loves speaking on the phone, I will usually call Ryan at work and let her talk for a couple minutes.
Bennett is now 27 months {I just had to work that out. Don't worry peeps, I am not one of those people that counts months until the child is 40!}. He is one of the sweetest souls I have ever met in my life. There is a quality to him that is observant and I love seeing him watching the world.
He is still not talking much but can say some words {all of which would never actually help him communicate what he wants}. He can say "Woody"{from Toy Story, of course}, "Wow", "Go", "Car" and then his word of choice for most things "Dada". He understands alot more then what he communicates though, like if we tell him its bath he will run upstairs. He has an audiology appointment this week as we want to rule out any hearing issues. If everything comes back clear though, I have decided I just want to let him talk in his own time.
He loves Toy Story, Buzz and Woody are always close by. He even sleeps with little soft versions of them at night. Bennett is a playful boy and loves running around, just being a toddler. Ryan usually takes this job after work and runs around after him, flips him up in the air and let's him climb. It's amazing seeing this little baby of mine growing in a little boy.
I love to see the difference in the babies {Yes I am still calling them that, it hurts my heart to call them toddlers haha}. Like I said before, Bennett is the sweetest little boy who loves deeply and is even tempered. Brooke is also sweet but has a sass to her that makes her so funny! She can be happy one minute and then switch her temper to angry, within seconds. She has less patience for things than Bennett does but also has strong interests. Bennett is super cuddly, if I want my baby cuddle fix, I know without a doubt Bennett will give me the time. Brooke can be cuddly but she always wants to be where the action is, so if something happens around her she is pushing away.
The thing I love seeing most every day is their friendship blossom. They still share a room and every morning when they wake up, Brooke goes over to Bennett and say's "Hi". He always gives her a smile and sometimes she will pat his head or even climb into his bed. They both giggle and it's pretty much the cutest thing EVER. Of course they are together 24/7, so play really nicely together and get on so well. They like the same movies, like going on walks and even get into mischief together!! {the pantry is never safe around these two}.
Well there you have it! A little look into the life of these blobs I am so lucky to call mine. I will leave you with a few pictures :) xxx