Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Photography Student!

I have been pretty busy lately and know that this bloggy of mine isn't receiving that much attention. Most of you that read this blog know me {Hi Mum!} but just in case there is someone out there in the world that follows along, I thought I would update a little bit on what I've been doing lately.

As you may remember, one of my new years resolutions was to go back to school and enter into the floral program. Well I did go back to school but instead, into photography! Since getting my first DSLR five years ago, I have been really interested in learning more about photography. That interest was fueled greatly with the birth's of the blobs, as you want nothing more then to capture sweet photographs of your sweet babies to share with the world.

Anyways, long story short{I can get long winded...that's probably why my Grandad used to call me a gasbag}, I got the opportunity to go back part time and I leapt at it! So I will be working towards my Certificate of Photography through a local college here called SAIT. So far I am really enjoying it, its amazing how school turns into something you actually WANT to do when the subject interests you. During high school, my sister and I had quite a few days of shopping instead of schooling {a mall was the next stop down on the train line....can you blame us?!?!}. Don't worry, we always bought my Mum a present to soften the news of skipping the day. She loved it really :)

I started in January so have already completed one of eight courses I will be taking {it will probably take me between 1-2 years}. We had to submit four photographs for our final assignment to display what we have learned so far. I thought I would share one with you because it features one of my favourite things in the entire world, my tea set! xxx