Sunday, 10 July 2016

Bennett is 2.5

Soooo this post was supposed to happen about three months ago. I have honestly just been so busy and this little blog of mind has been put on the back burner. It`s time to pick it up again though as I love documenting everything.

So let`s start where I left off, Bennett turning 2.5!

This boy is just the sweetest little thing. I seriously cannot get enough of him. He is the dictionary definition of what you would expect of a little boy. He climbs and gets himself into trouble all the time. He plays in dirt (and let`s be honest, eats it too), runs with no fear and loves anything with wheels. There is a sweet side to him that we love. He is so devoted to what he loves (still Toy Story and Peppa) and knows his people.

Him and Brooke still get along really well, they fight but they get over it pretty easily. I guess that happens when you spend every waking day together haha. She really tries to help him communicate (which is still really slow) and manages to talk over him most of the time. I wonder where she get`s that from ;)

Well here are his stats and some of the pictures I took of him when he turned 2.5. Next up is his THIRD he is nearly three is completely beyond me.

Weight: 30 lbs
Routine: Similar to before, he seems to be having trouble with his afternoon nap but I know it`s not time to drop it yet, as he usually fades quickly without it. Eating is good and we still TRY to put him down around 9 or 10 (although having said that...its 12:30 PM and  he is still running around).
Milestones: He is so strong, he climbs to the top of the playground now and tries to help me up it as well! He is still practicing the words he knows, we go through them everyday.

We love you sweet boy!!! xxx