Hi all,
it's pretty much been determined that despite all efforts, i'm a crap blogger. I literally couldn't even remember the web address of my blog...I had to google it. And guess what...allthingsamymele is preeeeeeeety similar to all things male. So although I learnt alot about male health, I still had to go and do a further search to find this bloggo ;).
So whats new?! Quite alot and if you follow me on Instagram, I basically microblog there...so still share quite alot of this life. I don't really want to recap the past two years (due to lack of blogging) so will start afresh.
Brooke is three, adorable, talkative (by god that child can talk), sassy and just at the tail end of her tantrum stage. It's a hit and miss kind of thing. There was a bad period (we refer to it as the dark ages) where I would literally get anxious leaving the house. Between her ability to tantrum every place we went (not an exaggeration) and Bennett being, well, Bennett, I felt like every person was looking at me with pity. Which they probably were!! Hahahaha. The things that would come out of my child's mouth were so bad (yet amusing!) like, I hate you...don't touch me....you scare me (that was a winner). Oh yes, a joy to deal with and an even bigger joy to see the people faces looking at me warily. Despite all my moaning, she was and always has been really good the other percentage of time and luckily that other percentage is gaining steadily. Her tantrums are far and few in between (thank god). She is going to ballet and tap dance now and blunders through the class every Saturday. Her lead feet are adorable and whats even more adorable is that she thinks she tackles the class with grace and elegance. She is so smart and so caring towards Bennett, I can't wait to get her into preschool!
Bennett is doing well! He is four and still has his adorable little baby face which I kiss about 100x a day. He found his voice this Christmas and it is the most annoying sound in the entire world. Just loud...ear piercing screaming...think Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber. We are happy though because any way of vocalization is a foundation to speech. He is still severely speech delayed and currently going through the ASD assessment process. It legit breaks our heart to see him so behind but we are fully open to getting him more direct help. He is so much work but worth every. single. minute of it. I will go more into this all in another post because there is honestly so much to type in such little time and I don't have a whole bunch time at the moment :)
Anyways, i'm excited to catch up! I am going to post some of our renos, more of my photography that I am working at and of course ooddles and ooddles about my little loves :)