Thursday, 30 May 2013

Happenings lately

Hello followers {Mum, Mother-in-law and Sister's LOL},

juuust kidding. I am sure there are more out there.....well I hope so :) Anyways, I just wanted to update since my last post. What has happened?

Well first of all my surgery for a cerclage went well. I had it two weeks ago this Thursday and it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I had read all the worst case scenarios and had nightmares about what would happen {I am a very dramatic person so worst case scenario is of course what I expected}. Really, the only thing I found nerve racking was the spinal for the anesthetic. Even that turned out to be less painful then what I thought it would be. My Mum said try to imagine the cute little baby you are doing this for and it will be better. No joke, that's exactly what I did! As they were poking the needles into my back I thought of a sweet little baby boy running around and it made me feel better. Not that I know it's a boy. We wont find out for a couple more weeks yet but I think it might be, so that is what was in my mind.

Just before I went in for surgery, my sweet little fur baby Enzo started limping and only walking on three legs. Now call me evil but I decided to hold off taking him to the vet and hoped it would heal up. Well the poor little boy developed an infection in his paw due to a bite wound and had to go to the vets anyways. It was so sad but so cute because when we got there, it was a waiting room full of doggy's. He was so scared he kept hiding his little face in Ryan's arm and just hoping it would all disappear. I had to laugh because all the men in the waiting room had these big, cool looking dogs and Ryan was holding this timid little cat. Very manly. Once Enzo was tended to, he had to be coned as the paw healed which was as equally funny as it was sad. For some reason, cats lose all spacial awareness when they have a cone around their head. So a mixture of pain meds and a cone turned him into a drunk staggering cat. He fell down the stairs twice and also would get all crazy after we gave him his nightly pain meds. After his crazy hour he would fall asleep in my arms so heavily, we had trouble waking him up when it was time to go upstairs to bed. Either way, he is all better now and we are pleased he didn't lose his paw {again worst case scenario drama Ryan had to listen to from me}.  :)

Poor little baby hiding in his kennel {left}.                  Being snuggled after his cone was put on
                                                                                           and yes he is dripping blood all over me! {right}

Last big thing that happened this week is that we bought a house! It is a semi-detached house and my twin sister purchased the other side! How coolio is that? I am really excited to FINALLY be out of the rental market and to share this fun home building business with not only Ryan but Carly too! This is a picture of the show home our house will look like.

We are on the right and my sis is on the left. We are even thinking of leaving our back gardens open to each other to have a large area for future babies to run around in. PLUS think how easy babysitting will be! Our baby can just waddle over to Carly's and Nate's place as soon as it can walk.

So as you can see lots of fun things are happening!!!! Will keep you updated as we get further along with baby and OF COURSE let everyone know if it will be a little Amy or a little Ryan. xxx

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