Being such a good baby, the transition from two adults to two adults with a baby was easy! It amazes me at how natural it is to have Bennett around. We tend to do alot of what we did before, we just now have a babe in tow to entertain us as we do it. For example, we took him to see the Trailer Park Boys movie yesterday for my brother and brother in laws bday and he watched it!! Haha. Not that I really should be encouraging him to watch that kind of movie but he still doesn't know English we're good ;)
Anyways, here is his six month update with a few pictures.
Weight: 17.5 lbs
Routine: He sleeps through the night {still in our bedroom in his bassinet}. The dreadful day is approaching where we will have to move him over to his nursery. He is so big now, he looks like a little burrito in his bassinet {even though it is rated for up to 25lbs}. I just hate to think of him alone in a bedroom....even if we only have 5' between our doors haha. That's ok though because soon enough he will have a little baby bud to keep him company in their room.
Eating: Formula 5-6 times a day. Solids have been started! I did it completely backwards, they say to start with savory veggie purees and then move to fruit. That is so the baby accepts the veggies, which makes total sense. I, of course, have started him only on fruit. It was completely's just what I am attracted to when I buy the baby food. Let's hope he still likes the veggies but if he is anything like his Mum...he probably won't ;)
Sizes: 6-9 month clothing!
Milestones: Alot more baby babble and he sitting up by himself for much longer periods of time!
P.S. We find out what baby #2 is tomorrow so I will post the results here on the bloggy xxx
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