I looooooove these pictures of that sweet little meatball!
Anyways, let's get back to my little {or not so little} Brookey. First of all, just like her brother, she is an adorable ball of chub!! They are literally almost the exact same at this point for weight and height and I can tell. Sometimes I have to double take when I see her from behind because it reminds me so much of Bennett at this age.
We took her to England and just got back on April 8th {post to follow this week!}. She was of course a huge hit. So happy and cheerful and she got into the habit of kissing people. It was like a surprise attack, someone would be carrying her around and then all of a sudden she would grab either side of their face and latch on. Hilariously funny!
Brooke still loves her brother, even though the love isn't always reciprocated. They now sit across from each other at the table, each in a high chair. About 90% of the time while eating, she is desperately smiling and laughing at him in hopes he will look her way.
She is a sassy little lady as well, she makes sure to let us know if things don't go her way. She is the queen of fake crying and when she gets what she wants, she flashes a huge gummy smile. Otherwise she is content most the time to play by herself with a few toys in front her her. She is not as taken with books and TV like Bennett was at this age but I still persist.
I just LOVE this little blobina and hope the next 5 months go VERY slowly :)
Here are her stat's:
Weight: 18 lbs
Routine: It's a little off since coming back from England. With the exception of the first night back, she is still sleeping through the night. I am trying to get her back to a 9:00 pm bedtime which usually results in a 7:00 to 8:00 AM wake time.
Size: 6-12 mths or 9-12 months.
Eating: She is now on solids! She still has her formula 5x a day but I also compliment that with rice cereal breakfast and fruit/vegetable packets. I heard a saying "Eating before 1 is just for fun" and that is true with both my babes. I don't rely on food at all for Brooke but just give it to her to get her acquainted with different tastes and textures. I am looking forward to the day we are done buying formula though, it is SO EXPENSIVE! Up until recently, we were spending about $100 a week on it but now I have moved Bennett over exclusively to cow's milk. So that has helped alot.
Milestones: Literally the day after my last 6 month update, Brooke started to sit up by herself! It is super cute as she looks extra blobby and it also means she can have more interaction with her bro! Rolling has ceased so she is still pretty much glued to the same spot but having a very mobile 17 month old makes that ok!
Here are her 7 month photos!
and for the comparison...
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