Monday, 4 January 2016

New Years 2016

It's officially 2016!! We rang in the new year like two old people  responsible parents by staying home with our babies and watching a movie.

In all fairness, we did intend to go over to our friends house but I was sad {having just said goodbye to my family at the airport} and still getting over a cold. So home sounded like the best option for us.

We watched The Martian, Matt Damons new movie {who I am now officially in love with} but paused it at midnight so we could count down and give the babies a kiss.

So to stick with my tradition of making resolution's that I don't keep, here are my 2016 resolutions :)

1. WAIT FOR IT.....Get healthy. I know....super original.

2. Be more frugal. Ok this one is a legitimate goal that I intend to keep. I am pretty good at not spending too much but I also LOVE to shop. A strange buzz fills my body when I enter a mall. I LOVE getting excited over a purchase that I have wanted for a while or is on sale. I also love shopping for cute clothes for my children. It's all too fun. This year, however, we have two holidays planned and I also want to get a good bit of savings behind us. Soooooo the mall may have to be an activity I do on special occasions ;)

3. Keep a journal {offline}. What I think is usually recorded on this little blog of mine, which I like to have to look back on. This probably sounds weird but I don't even remember writing half of what I write. So it's funny to read an old post and see what was going on in my mind at that moment. Plus I love all the pictures of my babies. This year though, I am also hoping to jot down thoughts and my weight tracking {which is DEFO not going online for the world to see haha} in a more old fashioned way. I bought this really cute Kate Spade journal {don't worry was before my second resolution} and I have been using it quite well so far!

4. Complete my Florist course. I don't know if I have ever told you this but I have always wanted to be a florist. I imagine owning a shop one day {called The English Roses} and having all my family working with me. That will be a few years from now but the first step is starting to work in the industry as a florist. In order to do that, you have to complete a three part certification through Mt. Royal. So the first segment starts either next month or in the late spring.

5. Read more. 

6. Have a better work schedule. I do bookkeeping for Ryan's company and SUCK AT IT! When I was young {and struggling in Math} I would have laughed at the person that said I would be a Bookkeeper one day. I went and did the course BUUUUT I still don't like it. Math/office work is booooooring! Either way, I do like to support Ryan {especially as he works so hard to make sure I can be home with our babes} I am hoping to commit to being more organized with my company work.

Anyways, that is them all. Let's hope I stick to them!!!!! Happy New Year!! xxx

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