Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Brookey Blobina is 18 months!

Brooke is now 18 months old {well 19 months, whoops!}! Her last update was at a year which you can see here.

Well i'm sure I have said it before but we DEFINITELY have a sassy little bossy boots on our hands. It's hilarious to watch her in action bossing around Bennett or telling Ryan off {pointing her finger and all} when he does something she doesn't like. It can be as simple as walking away from her at the shop's or doing something making her brush her teeth. We took them to the Disney Store this weekend and found out her bossy ways extend past our family. She was the smallest little girl in the princess section, however, was ordering everyone around like it was her job. All I kept hearing was "NOOO" and then seeing another little girl running to her Mum to tell on Brooke.

She is so loud but has these sweet, quiet moments that make her so interesting and SO easy to love. We can never stay mad at her but frequently joke that if she was our first child...we would have probably stopped there haha.

I cannot get over how amazing it is for Bennett to have a built in best friend. They seriously do EVERYTHING together. They still share a bedroom, although my design spidey senses are starting to tingle for redecorating the spare room. It would be too sad to separate them at the moment though...and waaay too much work to decorate yet another room. Ryan needs a little break ;)

They go to my sisters three mornings a week which is really nice time for them to spend with her and me to spend without them haha. While they are away I manage to get cleaning done, a little work and let's be honest...a little shopping!

Brooke is a talking queen and says quite a few words now. She has exceeded Bennett in vocabulary but as we suspected, is teaching him. He watches what she says and tries to copy. We found out recently that Bennett doesn't have hearing problems but instead attention span problems. So Brooke has turned into a good resource of words for him.

This child is absolutely fearless, she zips up the playground like its nobody's business and of course chooses the largest slide to slide down. The only thing she doesn't like is the swing, which surprises me as the slide is waaay more scary.

Every night she turns back into this sweet little baby, wrapped up all snug in her crib with her favourite doll "Emily Button" held close to her. We manage to fall in love all over again and can't quite believe this girl is ours. Anyways, enough are her stats!

WEIGHT: 27.7 lbs
ROUTINE: Brooke wakes up every day between 8-9AM and promptly wakes up Bennett if he isn`t awake. She also naps every afternoon from 2-4PM. Her evenings consist of bath time with Bennett at 8PM followed by some crazy time running around to burn off that extra energy, teeth cleaning, book and then bed at around 9PM. We sometimes let them stay up later on the weekends but that is basically her sleeping routine at the moment. 
MILESTONES: Brooke is saying about 10 words and also understands alot more now. She has 11 teeth and her hair is finally growing in abit more! Unfortunately its still in that lovely baby mullet stage...but it'st still really cute!

Here are some pictures of our sweet {not so little} baby!

and the comparison shot!

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