Weight: I really don't have any idea! His last weigh in a few weeks ago was 11.2 lbs. So I am guessing maybe 12-13 lbs? I will update after his next doctors visit!
Routine: His routine is AWESOME! This child has been sleeping through the night since 10 weeks. I didn't know if it was just a phase but its not! His typical routine is bath around 8-9 followed by a book. I put him down after that and he sleeps solid until 8 every morning {sometimes a little longer if I am lucky}. I was a little worried that he was supposed to still be woken for feeds but the nurse said as long as he is getting his recommended amount during the day...let him sleep through the night. He usually takes a couple naps during the day too and ALWAYS falls asleep in the car. I know.....I'm lucky haha.
Eating: Still on formula about 5-6 times a day with bigger amounts per feed.
Sizes: Still in his 0-3 months. We have gotten alot of wear out of this age range!
Milestones: His neck strength is still improving and his interaction when reading a book or playing with toys is increasing :) We also FINALLY finished his nursery so I will do a post on that some time!
I am taking Bennett on his first trip to England on February 12th! Unfortunately Ryan had to stay behind and work {such a good Daddy!}. I know being without Bennett will be hard for him but he knows it will be fun for Bennett and I. I am a little nervous of travelling with Bennett for the first time alone {especially for such a long flight}. Luckily though the flight departs around 8:00 pm so I am hoping he will just keep his routine and sleep through alot of it. Either way, I am SO EXCITED to return to the land of Marmite ;)
In other news, I died my hair this week at home for the first time in ages. I thought I was being clever by saving money. The box said blonde BUT I am now a brunette. I have no idea what happened...it was stinging abit while it was setting, so I think it had a weird reaction with the colour that was already on my hair. My immediate instinct was to re dye it but I know my hair will probably fall out if I do that. It is a little over processed ;) Anyways, so I will see what I can do with it before our trip. In the meantime I better show you those pictures of Bennett I promised. Have a good weekend! xxx

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