I also announced that we are expecting baby #2! WHAT A SURPRISE! We were not planning to have two babies so close together and when I first found out I was shocked. Now it has sunk in, I am very happy and know how lucky I will be to have two little blobs :) I've had so many people tell me how lovely it is to have two so close together {11 months apart if this baby is full term} and what good friends they will be. I am excited that this pregnancy is going so smooth so far too! I actually sometimes have to remind myself I am even pregnant!
So back to little Bennett! Here is his updated information for 5 months :)
Weight: 16 lbs
Routine: His routine is still good. He is sleeping through the night between about 9pm-7:30am and goes down for 2-3 naps during the day as well {depending on how long each of them are}.
Eating: Still on formula about 5-6 times a day. I have also now started to introduce some rice cereal. I think that he likes it....most of it ends up on what he's wearing though ;)
Milestones: This baby is finally laughing! He also just learned how to roll {one way} and if we position him, he can sit up by himself for maybe a second. The other thing I have noticed is that he is much more verbal now. Of course it's all baby garble but its really sweet to hear his little voice!
Anyways, here are a couple pictures from his five month birthday. I also have so many lovely pictures from England that I will be adding to facebook hopefully sometime today! xxx
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