We had a nice lazy Sunday. I talked to my Mum for English Mothers day and then had an afternoon nap with Bennett. After that we headed to my sissys for dinner. She is right next door, so if she asks us to come over at 6:30...I start to get ready at 6:25. It's pretty awesome.
Since I am hoping this is the last snow fall before spring, I decided to take a picture of Bennett and us in the snow. Yes for the two seconds we spent outside today walking from our house to our next door neighbors {I'm so physically fit...I know}.
They turned out pretty cute though...
We then got to my sisters and her cats were dressed for the occasion. YES PEOPLE Ruby was literally in a dress and Zeplin in his hoodie. I almost died from cuteness. So naturally I ran back to my house to get my most well natured cat {Enzo} to have some play time with them. Not that we are crazy cat people or anything ;)
We started Sunday dinner tradition after Christmas this year and I am loving it. Every week we switch houses and it is so much fun. I love how Bennett and his Bro or Sis will grow up looking forward to Sunday dinners :) Anyways, talking of Bennett, I better go tend to the chubby little thing. Hope you had a good weekend! xxx
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