Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Brooke is 11 months old!

NOTE: Sorry for being so behind on this blog. It's be a fun and crazy summer! I am posting this now but I actually wrote it 2 weeks ago haha. So in an attempt to catch is Brooke's 11 month blog!

Brookey is officially 11 months old! My sweet baby is nearly a did that happen?!?! She is currently sleeping in, so I thought I would quickly jot down her 11 month post.

This last month was good, both my sisters are still here from England and she LOVES having her Aunty's around. She has gone back to kissing people and will plant an aggressive kiss on them when they are holding her. Now she has teeth, sometimes she will even include a little love bite! I'm sure they will miss it when they go back to school in England in 10 days ;)

She is still crawling around everywhere. She started out by doing this weird scoot crawl but now only reserves that for catching up with Bennett {as it is surprisingly speedy}. Otherwise, she has started crawling normally.

She has SIX teeth coming through! Four at the top and two at the bottom. Her top two are quite far apart just like Bennett's's SO CUTE! Her pain tolerance seems to be much better than Bennett's ever was. We knew every bit of discomfort with Bennett and he had some hard nights. With Brooke, you would hardly even know that she was teething at all!

Bennett is still her favourite, she is always trying to get his attention. They are such a cute pair, always together and now playing more and more. They are so similar, it's scary to even think about introducing another baby in the future because I feel it would be left out. That's me overthinking of per usual.

Bottom Left: She did that to try and get Bennett's attention away from Peppa, it didn't work :)

Anyways, here are her stat's:

WEIGHT: 24 lbs {just over 1 lb bigger than Bennett was!}

ROUTINE: All over the map. It's summer so I don't mind but we will for sure be getting back into one come September.

EATING: Literally anything, she is actually alot better than Bennett. He isn't picky but still has thing's he doesn't like. Brooke, on the other hand, will eat whatever is in front of her {including dirt in the garden}.I hope that it stay's this way!

MILESTONES: Six teeth! She also climbs the stairs everyday now {with supervision} and will go all the way to the top without hesitation. Saying "Hi" and waving!

Here is my little Blobina at 11 months old :)

and for the comparison shot!

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