Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Late night post...

Hi peeps! I am laying here waiting for my babe to stop crying. Oh god, it's so sad but I have seriously tried everything, she is just over tired. It's so funny because she keeps saying "shit" in her unhappy rambling. I know she doesn't know what it means and before anyone thinks it, I promise I didn't teach her! It's just a sound she has been making lately and I honestly laugh every time it comes out of that sweet mouth.

So here I am, I can't fall asleep with an unhappy baby so I thought I would do a quick bloggy post while I wait for her to dose off. I found Brooke and Bennett playing with my old coffee earlier. There wasn't much left but they had defo taken a sip each, which may be why we are struggling to stay asleep tonight. Actually Bennett loves coffee...and alcohol....we start them young in this house ;) 

Sorry all these jokes are probably going to encourage someone to call parent line on me. I really am a good Mum, I promise!!

I have been so out of body lately! Do you ever feel that way? I do the actions but I am sort of doing them without thinking. It's weird but what evs! I thought meditating might help and I downloaded this app called head space. I made Ryan mediate with me the other day and it was hilarious. He just fell asleep and I ended up starting at my toes and thinking about my poor pedicure job.

Speaking of which, I MUST tell you about my disastrous pedicure. I went out on a "date night" {god I sound so lame} the other day with the husbie. It occurred to me that my feet felt like sand paper so I thought I would splurge {which is SO hard for me to do :) } and get a pedi. It was actually horribly unrelaxing and hurt alot as she cut my nails. I was seriously stifling cries of help...while sucking on their free sweeties they give out. How can I resist?

Anyways, I got through it and went out later that night. My toes looked like perfect red jewels....until the next day. My big toe started to swell up and puss {is that how you spell puss? I don't think I have ever had to type that!}. My sister was the lucky recipient of picture updates as the toe got progressively worse and worse. It was purple, swollen and bleeding. Yuck. So after 2 weeks of this I went to the docs and it's 100% infected. Ryan want's me to go back and tell the salon but I am not into confronting them and having them look at my toe. I just like showing it to my siblings to gross them out :)

So there you have it. I clearly like to ramble on and over share at this wee hour. Brooke is still awake by the way. Ryan got up and brought her into our bedroom which hasn't helped at all. Please remind me never to feed my infant coffee again! Wish me luck! xxx

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