Sunday, 10 July 2016

Bennett is 2.5

Soooo this post was supposed to happen about three months ago. I have honestly just been so busy and this little blog of mind has been put on the back burner. It`s time to pick it up again though as I love documenting everything.

So let`s start where I left off, Bennett turning 2.5!

This boy is just the sweetest little thing. I seriously cannot get enough of him. He is the dictionary definition of what you would expect of a little boy. He climbs and gets himself into trouble all the time. He plays in dirt (and let`s be honest, eats it too), runs with no fear and loves anything with wheels. There is a sweet side to him that we love. He is so devoted to what he loves (still Toy Story and Peppa) and knows his people.

Him and Brooke still get along really well, they fight but they get over it pretty easily. I guess that happens when you spend every waking day together haha. She really tries to help him communicate (which is still really slow) and manages to talk over him most of the time. I wonder where she get`s that from ;)

Well here are his stats and some of the pictures I took of him when he turned 2.5. Next up is his THIRD he is nearly three is completely beyond me.

Weight: 30 lbs
Routine: Similar to before, he seems to be having trouble with his afternoon nap but I know it`s not time to drop it yet, as he usually fades quickly without it. Eating is good and we still TRY to put him down around 9 or 10 (although having said that...its 12:30 PM and  he is still running around).
Milestones: He is so strong, he climbs to the top of the playground now and tries to help me up it as well! He is still practicing the words he knows, we go through them everyday.

We love you sweet boy!!! xxx

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Brookey Blobina is 18 months!

Brooke is now 18 months old {well 19 months, whoops!}! Her last update was at a year which you can see here.

Well i'm sure I have said it before but we DEFINITELY have a sassy little bossy boots on our hands. It's hilarious to watch her in action bossing around Bennett or telling Ryan off {pointing her finger and all} when he does something she doesn't like. It can be as simple as walking away from her at the shop's or doing something making her brush her teeth. We took them to the Disney Store this weekend and found out her bossy ways extend past our family. She was the smallest little girl in the princess section, however, was ordering everyone around like it was her job. All I kept hearing was "NOOO" and then seeing another little girl running to her Mum to tell on Brooke.

She is so loud but has these sweet, quiet moments that make her so interesting and SO easy to love. We can never stay mad at her but frequently joke that if she was our first child...we would have probably stopped there haha.

I cannot get over how amazing it is for Bennett to have a built in best friend. They seriously do EVERYTHING together. They still share a bedroom, although my design spidey senses are starting to tingle for redecorating the spare room. It would be too sad to separate them at the moment though...and waaay too much work to decorate yet another room. Ryan needs a little break ;)

They go to my sisters three mornings a week which is really nice time for them to spend with her and me to spend without them haha. While they are away I manage to get cleaning done, a little work and let's be honest...a little shopping!

Brooke is a talking queen and says quite a few words now. She has exceeded Bennett in vocabulary but as we suspected, is teaching him. He watches what she says and tries to copy. We found out recently that Bennett doesn't have hearing problems but instead attention span problems. So Brooke has turned into a good resource of words for him.

This child is absolutely fearless, she zips up the playground like its nobody's business and of course chooses the largest slide to slide down. The only thing she doesn't like is the swing, which surprises me as the slide is waaay more scary.

Every night she turns back into this sweet little baby, wrapped up all snug in her crib with her favourite doll "Emily Button" held close to her. We manage to fall in love all over again and can't quite believe this girl is ours. Anyways, enough are her stats!

WEIGHT: 27.7 lbs
ROUTINE: Brooke wakes up every day between 8-9AM and promptly wakes up Bennett if he isn`t awake. She also naps every afternoon from 2-4PM. Her evenings consist of bath time with Bennett at 8PM followed by some crazy time running around to burn off that extra energy, teeth cleaning, book and then bed at around 9PM. We sometimes let them stay up later on the weekends but that is basically her sleeping routine at the moment. 
MILESTONES: Brooke is saying about 10 words and also understands alot more now. She has 11 teeth and her hair is finally growing in abit more! Unfortunately its still in that lovely baby mullet stage...but it'st still really cute!

Here are some pictures of our sweet {not so little} baby!

and the comparison shot!

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Photography Student!

I have been pretty busy lately and know that this bloggy of mine isn't receiving that much attention. Most of you that read this blog know me {Hi Mum!} but just in case there is someone out there in the world that follows along, I thought I would update a little bit on what I've been doing lately.

As you may remember, one of my new years resolutions was to go back to school and enter into the floral program. Well I did go back to school but instead, into photography! Since getting my first DSLR five years ago, I have been really interested in learning more about photography. That interest was fueled greatly with the birth's of the blobs, as you want nothing more then to capture sweet photographs of your sweet babies to share with the world.

Anyways, long story short{I can get long winded...that's probably why my Grandad used to call me a gasbag}, I got the opportunity to go back part time and I leapt at it! So I will be working towards my Certificate of Photography through a local college here called SAIT. So far I am really enjoying it, its amazing how school turns into something you actually WANT to do when the subject interests you. During high school, my sister and I had quite a few days of shopping instead of schooling {a mall was the next stop down on the train line....can you blame us?!?!}. Don't worry, we always bought my Mum a present to soften the news of skipping the day. She loved it really :)

I started in January so have already completed one of eight courses I will be taking {it will probably take me between 1-2 years}. We had to submit four photographs for our final assignment to display what we have learned so far. I thought I would share one with you because it features one of my favourite things in the entire world, my tea set! xxx

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Blob update :)

Hi all! I thought it was about time I shed some light onto the current day blobs. It's been a while since I stopped their monthly updates, so thought it would be interesting to show you how much they've grown!

Brooke is now 17 months and is a little ball of character. I often think how strange life would have been without this little thing. She brings so much fun to our family and makes us laugh daily. Her main loves are cat's {not influenced by me at all haha}, dolly's and dancing. She LOVES to dance {which is almost a type of interpretive dance at this point} and starts throwing her little body around when any sort of beat comes on. Even if she is sitting down in her high chair, she bobs her head from side to side without even thinking about it. In the future, we hope to get her into a dance class or playing an instrument because she has taken such an early interest to music.

Speaking is coming alot more naturally to Brooke than it is Bennett. She now can say a number of words {Mum, Daddy, hi, no, all done and who's/whats that} and babbles all the time. She loves speaking on the phone, I will usually call Ryan at work and let her talk for a couple minutes.

Bennett is now 27 months {I just had to work that out. Don't worry peeps, I am not one of those people that counts months until the child is 40!}. He is one of the sweetest souls I have ever met in my life. There is a quality to him that is observant and I love seeing him watching the world.

He is still not talking much but can say some words {all of which would never actually help him communicate what he wants}. He can say "Woody"{from Toy Story, of course}, "Wow", "Go", "Car" and then his word of choice for most things "Dada". He understands alot more then what he communicates though, like if we tell him its bath he will run upstairs. He has an audiology appointment this week as we want to rule out any hearing issues. If everything comes back clear though, I have decided I just want to let him talk in his own time.

He loves Toy Story, Buzz and Woody are always close by. He even sleeps with little soft versions of them at night. Bennett is a playful boy and loves running around, just being a toddler. Ryan usually takes this job after work and runs around after him, flips him up in the air and let's him climb. It's amazing seeing this little baby of mine growing in a little boy.

I love to see the difference in the babies {Yes I am still calling them that, it hurts my heart to call them toddlers haha}. Like I said before, Bennett is the sweetest little boy who loves deeply and is even tempered. Brooke is also sweet but has a sass to her that makes her so funny! She can be happy one minute and then switch her temper to angry, within seconds. She has less patience for things than Bennett does but also has strong interests. Bennett is super cuddly, if I want my baby cuddle fix, I know without a doubt Bennett will give me the time. Brooke can be cuddly but she always wants to be where the action is, so if something happens around her she is pushing away.

The thing I love seeing most every day is their friendship blossom. They still share a room and every morning when they wake up, Brooke goes over to Bennett and say's "Hi". He always gives her a smile and sometimes she will pat his head or even climb into his bed. They both giggle and it's pretty much the cutest thing EVER. Of course they are together 24/7, so play really nicely together and get on so well. They like the same movies, like going on walks and even get into mischief together!! {the pantry is never safe around these two}.

Well there you have it! A little look into the life of these blobs I am so lucky to call mine.  I will leave you with a few pictures :) xxx

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Bad day :(

I think most people that know me, or read this blog know that I am quite unorganized when it comes to important things. Important, adult related things, like making sure the bills are paid on time....or even opening the bills in the first place.

I have gotten better over the years, I even check to make sure my truck has fuel in it before I drive (no more side of the road break downs for me!). Old habits do die hard though and one thing I totally forget to do recently is get my license renewed :(

Well that came back to bite me in the bottom today when I was pulled over for speeding. The officer was SO MEANNNNNN and slapped me with three additional tickets on top of the speeding one that totalled almost $1000. Yes, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, think of how many Laura Ashley duvet covers I could have bought with that.

Needless to say, I was quite upset. Ryan is always calm and comforting when I get irrational {imagine me pulling up to his work site with crazy hair, mascara running down my face and waving tickets in the air} and he thinks I can get out of a couple of them. So I have been responsible and already contacted a man who does that kind of thing.

In the meantime I am using this as yet another lesson to slow down {in life and in vehicle} and get reorganized. One of these days I will be free and clear of instances like this! xxx

P.S. The one good thing to come out of this is that I found my passport while looking for my insurance slip! {god know's why it was in the truck haha}.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Laura Ashley

There are so many things I should be doing right now, my children are literally running around like wild holligans in diapers. The thing is that I just happened to log into my email this morning and guess what?! Laura Ashley has a sale people. I REPEAT, LAURA ASHLEY HAS A SALE.

Just in case you didn't know, Laura Ashley is my favorite shop in England. It just so happens that we are going to England in May, so I am thinking I might order a few little bits and have them sent to my Mum for when I arrive. It's clever really, I will be going to go to Laura Ashley regardless this visit, so I might as well have preshopped some of the sales, right?

I bet when I tell Ryan he will be so pleased. A Laura Ashley shop that actually saved us money. I'm sure he will be thinking how happy he is to have married me. He'll probably even tell me to do it more often!

Anyways, enough of me bragging about my shopping abilities, here's a few reasons why I love Laura Ashley so much.
  • Literally everything in LA is pretty. I love the feeling I first get when I step into it....a mixture of bliss and a feeling of wanting to buy everything in sight :)

Sadly this is probably not far off from how I look when I go Laura Ashley. 

  • The floral prints produced from LA are down right splendid. I am already a sucker for anything floral but they {along with Cath Kidston} produce some of the loveliest prints I have ever seen.
  • My Mum used to own some dresses from Laura Ashley that I grew up looking at in her closet. I think the dress she got married in could have also been Laura Ashley. So really this is all my Mum's fault, I was drip fed Laura Ashley from a young age :) Princess Diana was also known to sport Laura Ashley from time to time. Here she is wearing one of their skirts! 
  • They sell wallpaper! Most people hate wallpaper but I LOOOOOVE it! I think there is a lack of it in this city of mine. It's just sooooo English and full of character. I purchased some last year for our bedroom and have been trying to convince Ryan to put it up ever since.
  • Lastly, they sell children's bedroom accessories!!!!!! I know some people will read this and think, so what? But after becoming a Mum, I slowly realized there is a shortage for quality bedroom stuff when it comes to kids. So naturally, I frequently scour the web for Laura Ashley kids bedroom inspiration. 
I only have ONE criticism for Laura Ashley and that is that they don't sell it here in Canada. Actually they don't even deliver to Canada :( Good thing I have my connections in England! Now off to do some online shopping, wish me luck! xxx

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Christmas 2015

I did my posts a little backwards this month and did my New Years post before my Christmas one. Either way, Christmas 2015 has come and gone...wahhhhh. I LOVE CHRISTMAS and I quite honestly never feel ready for it to be finished. Oh well...I will just have to look forward to the next holiday {heart decorations will slowly start taking over my house haha}.

This year was so much fun, Ryan took the entire two weeks off and my family also joined us from England again. We spent Christmas Eve with my inlaws and Christmas dinner was at my sisters house.

The days leading up to Christmas were so Christmassy {apparently that's not a word but I think it should be}. It was all snowy and cozy and we ended up doing some festive things like the Spruce Meadows lights, watching movies and eating.
The blob babes were absolutely spoiled again this year and are both having fun playing with all of their toys. I am putting off taking down the tree because I have not found anything quite as twinkly or magical to take its place yet {OK, ok and its also so much work haha}.

Anyways, here are some pictures of our holiday! I hope everyone had a lovely day with their family and friends! xxx

Monday, 4 January 2016

New Years 2016

It's officially 2016!! We rang in the new year like two old people  responsible parents by staying home with our babies and watching a movie.

In all fairness, we did intend to go over to our friends house but I was sad {having just said goodbye to my family at the airport} and still getting over a cold. So home sounded like the best option for us.

We watched The Martian, Matt Damons new movie {who I am now officially in love with} but paused it at midnight so we could count down and give the babies a kiss.

So to stick with my tradition of making resolution's that I don't keep, here are my 2016 resolutions :)

1. WAIT FOR IT.....Get healthy. I know....super original.

2. Be more frugal. Ok this one is a legitimate goal that I intend to keep. I am pretty good at not spending too much but I also LOVE to shop. A strange buzz fills my body when I enter a mall. I LOVE getting excited over a purchase that I have wanted for a while or is on sale. I also love shopping for cute clothes for my children. It's all too fun. This year, however, we have two holidays planned and I also want to get a good bit of savings behind us. Soooooo the mall may have to be an activity I do on special occasions ;)

3. Keep a journal {offline}. What I think is usually recorded on this little blog of mine, which I like to have to look back on. This probably sounds weird but I don't even remember writing half of what I write. So it's funny to read an old post and see what was going on in my mind at that moment. Plus I love all the pictures of my babies. This year though, I am also hoping to jot down thoughts and my weight tracking {which is DEFO not going online for the world to see haha} in a more old fashioned way. I bought this really cute Kate Spade journal {don't worry was before my second resolution} and I have been using it quite well so far!

4. Complete my Florist course. I don't know if I have ever told you this but I have always wanted to be a florist. I imagine owning a shop one day {called The English Roses} and having all my family working with me. That will be a few years from now but the first step is starting to work in the industry as a florist. In order to do that, you have to complete a three part certification through Mt. Royal. So the first segment starts either next month or in the late spring.

5. Read more. 

6. Have a better work schedule. I do bookkeeping for Ryan's company and SUCK AT IT! When I was young {and struggling in Math} I would have laughed at the person that said I would be a Bookkeeper one day. I went and did the course BUUUUT I still don't like it. Math/office work is booooooring! Either way, I do like to support Ryan {especially as he works so hard to make sure I can be home with our babes} I am hoping to commit to being more organized with my company work.

Anyways, that is them all. Let's hope I stick to them!!!!! Happy New Year!! xxx